What Is Private Browsing And How To Enable It On Computer and Mobile Browsers

As you surf the internet your web browser remembers your details; the web address you visit, your browsing history, your cookies, the last blog you went to, even what you downloaded. This data are all stored in your computer’s or smartphone’s browsers, and can be seen by other people. The concept of private browsing involves finding actionable ways to hide or erase those personal data that are collected when ever you launch either Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Operamin or other web browsers. Thus private browsing can be defined.

What is Private Browsing?

In a layman’s definition private browsing is simply the opposite of public browsing, i.e since by default a devices’ browser whether it’s a smartphone or a computer is configured to store your information, which can then be accessed, hence it’s called public browsing, trying to make the web browser forget your information is just the opposite of public browsing and is aptly called private browsing. Hence Private Browsing can be defined as what allows you to browse the Internet without saving any information, like which websites and pages you’ve visited. I’ll show you how it works.

What do private browsing do?

Well just from the definition private browsing do one important thing, it hides or erases your web information automatically. Which means once activated no browsing records will be stored. It involves the browser which is the main link that connects your computer or smartphone to the internet, which means, your web information is stored in your browser and not your computer itself and so for this to work you have to activate it through the device browser.

List what can be made private

  • *. Visited pages: Once activated no pages visited will be added to the list of sites in the history menu.
  • *. Form and Search Bar entries: In some browsers like Mozilla nothing you enter into text boxes on the browser or the Search barwill be saved for Form auto complete.
  • *.Passwords: Your passwords won’t be saved.
  • *.Download List: No files you download will be listed in the Downloads Window.
  • *. Cookies: Cookies store information about websites you visit such as site preferences, login status, and data used by plugins like Adobe Flash. Cookies can also be used by third parties to track you across websites. your cookies won’t be stored or tracked from your end.
  • *. Cached Web: Temporary Internet files or files that websites save for offline use may be saved.

The above can also double as the advantage you get when you use private browsing.

Private browsing in browsers

Like I pointed ealier the main work is usually done in your browser, while some browsers require you to open only a tab others may require you to do more than that, also their are some variations especially on what private browsing is called, for example Google Chrome call it Incongnito browsing, Internet Explorer call it inprivate browsing and so on. Next we will be looking at how to turn or activate Private Browsing in the four or five major browsers that we have namely.
1. Mozilla Firefox
2. Safari
3. Chrome
4. Internet Explorer IE.

Set Up Private browsing on different browsers

To activate it you need either one of the four browsers mentioned above, IE comes pre-installed on Windows OS and it’s the default browser, others can be downloaded and installed. Click on the links below depending on your browser to reveal the tutorial for browsing private.

*.Google Chrome private browsing tutorial
*.Mozilla Firefox Private browsing tutorial
*.Internet Explorer Private browsing tutorial
*. Safari web browser private browsing tutorial

ImportantPrivate Browsing does not make you anonymous on the Internet. Your Internet service provider, employer, or the sites themselves can still track what sites you visit. Private Browsing also doesn’t protect you from virus or spyware that may be installed on your computer. What protects you from this stuff is this

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