How to Fix your Java Phone to work like a Symbian/Android phone

fix your phone to work like a symbian/android phone
This is one of the most handy tutorials for java phone users. When you see a symbian phone do you envy it because it can be minimized? Envy no more with this tutorial you’ll lean how to make your java phones work like a symbian phone, by having that minimization function.
I used this trick to make my Java phone start minimizing like Symbain and Android smartphones.

What you need

phoenix service suite which can be downloaded here to your PC

9 Steps To Fix your Java Phone like Symbian/Android Phone

Step 1: Input *#0000# on your phone
Step 2: After dialing, you’ll see something like this RM_614 or RM_615 or any number
Step 3: Google search for Rm_614 or any number you obtained from your phone, include .ppu toit, when conducting your search, for example
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“Rm_614.ppu” then download it to your laptop
Step 4: After download connect your phone to your laptop using a USB cable
Step 5: After you have connected your phone to your PC or laptop choose ovi suite mode
Step 6: Open phoenix software service suite and run it on your laptop then click on scan product
Step 7: After you’ve clicked scan, look by the side and select product profile
Step 8: After you’ve selected it locate your Rm_614.ppu depending on what you downloaded and select it and you will see a list appear, just tick them all and where you see 0 change it to 1
Step 9: After you are done with that click on enable tck and flash and your phone will restart and pop a warning message saying ” WARNING TCK FLAG SET” don’t be alarmed is normal, after that pop up, restart your phone and you are done.
congrats! You’ve just outsmart the bookies by converting a simple Java phone into and an Android, Symbian phone
I will like to hear your views about it through your comments and also subscribe with your e-mails to receive tricks like this in your inbox. And don’t forget to join us on Facebook

Note: Specifically tested on a Nokia phone. When using other phone if you encounter any problem let me know through comments.


  1. Tim

    My phone cant be connected to a pc.
    It lacks the usb slot.
    Its a nokia asha 205 duos

  2. Tim you need a usb cable for sure, but I'll you to check well their might be something like a usb port on it

  3. Santa if it didn't work which I doubt though. you'll still get your phone as it's is just like changing the back cover of your phone with another if it didn't match what you'd do is to change it back the new cover didn't resize your phone so you have your phone as it's.

  4. Hey, I'm having some problems with the service suite I downloaded from the given link. Its not functioning properly and giving error messages. Can you give another link for a service suite?

  5. Saswat what what phone are you using and tell me in details what is it showing?

  6. I don't understand do you mean you've succesfully done it and how you'll know if it worked?

  7. so after doing all this, what next? Does your java phone's menu appear like that of an Android's? And will it function like an Android phone

  8. Not every thing an Android is capable of but the things that matter like minimizing, browsing experience BBM support etc.

  9. Anonymous

    Chima Tim can you give me the direct link of phonix suite i want to give it a try

  10. Unfortunatly if your device failed the first process then you best stop, this shows that your device is weak, it has been used too long. Try to switch it off, remover the battery, use a boaster on the battery, put it on and switch on then try again.

  11. What does it say or do after download? If it doesn't download via internet try one those Mega installation CDs containing phonex suite,

  12. Does of you that subscribe the RM links has already been sent.

    Those you that have problem check the type of phone you're using and how old it is, then report back here

  13. hello sir,,i want to change my phone from java to android or symbian,,,as u given 1st step dial *#0000# from ur phone,,,i tried but it cant work ,,,so will u pls help me to sort out this problem

  14. my phone model is 5310 and i want to download whats app in it….because its a java phone its not possible for me to have it….can i get it by ur method TIM

  15. nokia 6300 (rm-217)
    after selecting product profile it shows:
    HRESULT 0x80040154 (-2147221164)

  16. karthik soorya your best bet is to reset everything to default and retry. Aakash Jain what are you not getting? ASHISH S. Subscribe with your email I'll get back to you

  17. Hi, my phone is nokia 5310b. it says rm-304 at *0000#.
    I cant find .ppu file for it. I would be very grateful if u can find it for me

  18. Hi, I cant find the .ppu file for my nokia 5310. Mine is RM-304. I would be very grateful if u can find the .ppu file for me

  19. Anonymous

    Will it work on Nokia Asha 308?????

  20. Anonymous

    What if this fails? I am using Nokia Asha 308

  21. Anonymous

    I have subscribed but I have not yet received the ppu file for RM-714.

  22. Anonymous

    I have subscribed but I have not yet received the ppu file for rm-714

  23. What be specific what files? For those in need of RM files that I haven't sent be patient I'm still gathering them

  24. Can i add some symbian (especially music player features) features to Gionee L800. It is a java phone. should i need to remove the sim and memory card before rooting. or is it ok with both placed in the phone.

  25. Hi,

    Can i add some symbian features to Gionee L800. it is a java phone

  26. Chima Tim, sir I dont get the option
    click on enable tck and flash. I am using Phoenix-Service-Software-2012.50.000.49146 and my phone c2-01

  27. Chima Tim, sir I dont get the option
    click on enable tck and flash. I am using Phoenix-Service-Software-2012.50.000.49146

  28. Recently, I bought new phone Blueberry PlatinumS4. when I dial #0000# from it, it is showing that "Request failed". Please guide me how to convert my java phone to android phone ? I want to add google play store and services to my java mobile, please guide me.

  29. my phone is blueberry platinumS4 and it is new one and when I dial #0000#, it is showing that "Request failed". Please guide me how to convert my phone to android? I want to add google play store in my java phone, please guide me.

  30. Hi, this stuff looks promising and I will try it. But what all can I do after this alteration? What all things can I do on my phone after this?

  31. Hi, this sounds interesting and I'm wondering, what are the risks behind it? Is it possible to lose data? Also what all can I do once my phone has been well…altered?

  32. Kenny you should backup your files, your phone will have some Android features like minimizing and it'll also support a vast variety of apps etc

  33. does i need to press write or active option before marking and changing to 1.
    then enable tck and restart

  34. sir plzz help where can i get samsung corby s3653 .ppu file…

  35. Error loading component

    HRESULT 0x80040154 (-2147221164)
    This means:
    Class not registered

    What i Do Now Phoenix Shows me That When i Click on Product Profile con You Please Explain in Completley

  36. does android/symbian apps will work?i wanna make wifi hotspot from my java based mobile after converting

  37. ashish

    sir i have samsung rex 90 java phone. is it possible in the phone and if yes pls tell me how.

  38. Is it possible with my Nokia C1-01?
    I succeeded up to step 8.
    Could you please explain step by step what should I do after Step 8 in more detail?
    Many thanks in advance..

  39. Anonymous

    sir can we do it with samsung java phone?

  40. Thanks for sharing information.
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  41. Anonymous

    Does this steps convert LG GS290 a Java Moblie to an android

  42. this file named phonix service suit is not available on to download?send me the link to download this file

  43. abhi

    will this work with my samsung gt-s3770k

  44. Anonymous

    i am using samsung rex 80 when i am dialing *#0000# it not shows any thing it pop up not done

  45. I have downloaded and installed it on my nokia asha 303….it successfully works…
    but there's a bug…and that is my keyboard (actually it was QWERTY) changed into QWERTZ…
    is there any solution?

  46. Anonymous

    can it work samsung GT B5722

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